
Sunday, April 14, 2013

Our Nunavut Activity Schedule

Here are some of the highlighted activities that we will be doing in Iqaluit:

Sunday: Traditional Inuit Games, Pot luck dinner
Monday: Bus tour of Iqaluit, Dog Sledding Presentation, Attend an Iqaluit class
Tuesday: Visit Museum, Musical performance, Evening with your Iqaluit pair's family
Wednesday: Land trip - Ice Fishing, Snowmobile and qammotiq, Movie night
Thursday: RCMP Tour, City legislative tour, sliding/hiking, Traditional Feast
Friday: Sealskin sewing, Traditional clothing, Potluck lunch, Dance
Saturday: Pack up, Souvenir shopping, Fly home to Toronto

This entire week is "Toonik Tyme" in Iqaluit which is the time of year when they celebrate the coming of Spring (It sure doesn't feel like it!). It is one long week of traditional Inuit celebrations. To discover more about Toonik Time, click here.

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