
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 3 in Iqaluit

Day three was another busy day for our students. We started off our day with a tour of the local museum and visitors centre where we saw many fine tools, art and jewelry from the Inuit culture. The displays included stuffed arctic animals, and we learned about all the uses that the community had for them. We also visited some of their local shops and of course, the Tim Hortons, which was a highlight for staff as well!

The afternoon saw us attend a science class in the high school to make the comparisons between our school and theirs. Some of the students pointed out how teachers encourage students to call them by their first name and that they can wear hats and hoods in school. We reminded our students that our rules will not be changing when we get back to Toronto. 

The high school choir performed a lovely concert for us which included singing, dancing, drumming and throat-singing. While the throat-singing sounded odd to most of us, we loved the complexity and dedication it took to achieve such a great sound. After the performance, we headed over to the local Elementary school to help with their after school program. Our students helped the inuk elementary children read and finish their homework. Our students made us so proud with their professionalism, manners and eagerness to help. It was amazing to see our students with smiles on their faces just from helping others in need.

The evening was a real special event for all of our students. Each of their student pairs' families invited them back to their houses for dinner and entertainment. Our students were nervous at first to spend the entire night with their friend and family, but they were not disappointed. Each of our students reported having the best experience of the trip! Some tried foods like whale and seal meat, while others got to ride on a skidoo and experience hunting traditions. Our students were glad they got to spend some independent time with their twin and their families.

Tomorrow is a big day for us. We are heading out onto the ice fields where we will stay all day learning to ice fish and build igloos! We are making sure the students have all the warm clothes they need as tomorrow is going to be our coldest adventure yet!!

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